My Adventures in Cooking!

I have always wanted to learn how to cook the French Cuisine. When I was in high school my boyfriend and I had a very special restaurant that we traveled an hour to whenever we could. It was called La’ Puja. What wonderful French Food they served. Since then I have had that dream in my heart but did not know how to accomplish it. Until the wonderful movie Julie and Julia came out. As soon as I saw the movie I looked into the Cook book that taught Julie how to cook French cuisine and I found it! So I decided to share my French Cooking with my wonderful readers. I am not going to do it like Julie of course. I am not going to cook all of the recipes’ and I will just do one here and there. But I’m excited for this adventure!

The first recipe that I tried was the Cream of Mushroom soup. I had most all of the ingredients at home for the soup but the ingredients that I did not have such as the mushrooms I decided to splurge and only purchase the best. It was worth it. Also I was truly surprised at how much butter was really in the recipe. Julie talked about butter in the movie and after one recipe and 9 tbs later I understand what she meant. I am excited for my next recipe that I will be trying out sometime in the future! French Onion Soup! My fav!!!

Happy Cooking!

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