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Nobody ever told me that when you have your third child you will be EXHUSTED. You will have moments when you just don’t think that you can do it any more. Your eyes, brain, and limbs will ache for sleep… sleep that feels like it will never come again. If you get the off chance that your new baby does sleep, then that will be the night that your toddler decides that SHE needs to stay awake ALL NIGHT, and so the cycle of no sleep for Mommy will continue, night, after night, after night!
Ok… So I am making motherhood seem like a nightmare. Which actually, it is! BUT it is also the most blessed experience you can ever have. Since this is my 3rd baby, I know that those long sleepless nights will eventually end. She will be a teenager before I know it, and then fully grown and gone in just a blink of an eye. So I am trying my hardest to treasure every late night, every cuddle, every blip in time that I get to spend with this precious baby who looks to me for everything. This little bundle of joy for whom I prayed for but never knew would actually come.

I am so grateful to have been blessed with my little Kaylee. As most of you know my husband and I struggled with infertility after our first daughter, Ashtyon, was born. It took us 10 years to conceive and carry another child to term. Ten years after having Ashtyon is when we were blessed with Fayth. We thought that would be the end of it for us. We had to fight so hard for Fayth that we didn’t expect to see another positive pregnancy test when Fayth was just 19 months old. However, we were elated! What a blessing to be able to raise another child. I had always wanted to have a full house of children. It just did not seem like it was going to be in the cards for us and to now have 3 was beyond anything we could hope for after the 10 years of tears.

My family is my everything. I hope and pray that they will always have what they need most in life, and that they will always feel loved. I pray that they never have to worry about the adult problems around them. I hope that I can shelter them from some of the pain of the world for as long as I can. I also pray that they will always be taken care of. Thanks to companies like Nationwide, I can have peace of mind knowing that we will have people on our side 24-7 if we need them. Did you know that 75% of families don’t think they need life insurance or that the life insurance through their employer is enough when it’s likely not? 75%!! That’s a huge number! I can’t imagine what I would do, or what my family would do, or even what my kids would do if something should happen and we didn’t have it.
If you are in that boat, or if you don’t think you know enough about life insurance, then I encourage you to get a quote today…Right Now in fact! Lock in your price and get insured sooner rather then later!

Kaylee was born on March 2, 2018. Our little miracle shares a birthday with her Daddy which is extra special. My heart has felt so much love this past year for these 3 girls that at times I feel like it can burst. But on the flip side, at times, it is so overwhelming to have a teenager, three-nager and a newborn. Every day seems like a struggle. Thankfully there are items and products that I have been able to incorporate into my life to help make things just a little bit easier.
Breastfeeding. Wow. What an incredible bonding experience. It is so special to be able to give your child the nourishment outside of the womb as well as inside. To continue to be so needed by your child is truly a glorious feeling. However there are things that they don’t mention to you when you have a baby. It HURTS. When you begin nursing, you don’t go into it expecting to have the dry cracked nipples, latching problems, or lack of milk supply. But those things happen. In fact, I was unable to nurse my first baby after about 3 months. She was just not getting enough. With Fayth, I only got to nurse her for 6 months before my milk ran out. It is a true miracle that I have been able to nurse Kaylee since the beginning. With all three girls I experienced the fun and glorious parts of nursing as well as the not so fun parts. Fortunately, with Kaylee I was prepared for the not so fun parts.

Bamboobies is an amazing product that will help take away the pain of dry cracked nipples. I can not stress this enough, if you are a new mom and are planning on breastfeeding then you NEED this product. Use bamboobies Organic Nipple Balm immediately after your first nursing and continue to use it after every feeding. Even if you don’t have any pain for the first day or so. I promise you, that if you don’t use it in the beginning you will be in MISERY by day 3. Bamboobies is certified organic, lanolin free and made with ingredients I can actually name! It’s safe for me AND my baby!

To go along with your breastfeeding adventures, there is nothing more embarrassing then having your little brother walk into your hospital room as you have your boob flopped out getting ready to nurse your baby. Ok, I know that there are a lot of you who view this as natural. Which I agree, nursing is natural. However, it is defiantly not something that I want some members of my family or the public to see me doing. Thank you bamboobies for thinking of this too. The bamboobies nursing shawl is AH-MAZ-ING. Seriously, I can drape it over myself to hide anything that needs hiding while my baby can nurse comfortably. Plus it is so fashionable that no one knows it’s even a nursing cover. I can wear it with anything! I am also digging the SPF protection as well! They really thought of everything! I wish I would have known about this with my first baby. I always used a blanket before, and it was just too much to try to keep the baby under all of that. I’m truly in love with the bamboobies open nursing shawl.
If you are interested in either/both of the bamboobies products then you will want to check them out NOW!
Plus you will be able to score a 10% off coupon on Amazon – 2 pack of Nipple Balm Offer expires 2/6/19 or while supplies last – 1 coupon per customer

Since we are on the breastfeeding topic we might as well cover bras as well. If you are anything like me, then you hate bra shopping. Most bras can be so uncomfortable and that is NOT something I want to deal with in my day to day life, let alone when I am breastfeeding my baby. Thankfully Playtex has us gals covered. Literally 🙂
Playtex nursing bras have lots of different options for us breastfeeding moms and all of them are comfy and made with cool comfort technology! You can choose padded with a quick strap, easy open, or a Criss-cross opening with no padding. There are no underwires or hard to maneuver bras here! Just simple, stylish, and comfortable! Yes, Please!

Every parent wants to give their child a healthy start. I am an over obsessive mommy when it comes to feeding my child. I want the foods I purchase to be as healthy as possible. I am loving the Sprout Stage 2 Plant Protein Pouches fun flavors such as these- apricot, banana, chickpea, fig and the Strawberry, apple, beet, red bean. I also am loving how much my sweet Kaylee loves them too. Plus she can eat them on her own, which frees up some time for me to focus on other things. To be honest I usually hand Kaylee one of the Sprout pouches when I am loading the dishwasher. Watching her sit on the floor of the kitchen enjoying a Sprout plant powered protein Pouch allows me time to load and unload the dishwasher without her climbing all over the open dishwasher door! It’s a win win!
Sprouts has over 25 plant powered purees and snacks and they are about to launch some new products this year that will include teething wafers, waffle snack for toddlers and smoothies!

Ok…enough about all things baby. Lets talk about YOU! When you have kids it is so easy to “let yourself go”. Being a Mommy is time consuming and hard. It is easy to wrap ALL of our time up into our kids and no longer make time for ourselves. But that is the worst thing we can do for ourselves AND our children. We must take care of ourselves in order to be able to fully take care of the ones we love.

I remember hanging out with a group of girls at a bridal shower once. I was 22 years old and honestly had never thought about skin care before. But then something changed for me in an instant. One of the girls at the bridal shower made a comment that has stuck with me for the rest of my life. She was a nurse in a nursing home at the time and she said “You can really tell the difference in the elderly women in the nursing home who have always used face creams, and those who don’t.” She went on to elaborate about how wrinkly and dry some of the younger elderly ladies skin was compared to others whom were much older but looked much younger due to their face regimen.
From that day on, I have not missed a day/night of using face creams. If I am fortunate enough to live a long life I want to have young and youthful looking skin as well.
If you are looking for a great skin regimen, then I recommend you look into Vichy. They are the #1 anti-aging brand in European pharmacies, paraben-free, super hydrating and Vichy has been around since 1931! Recently I have been using their Aqualia Thermal Gel Cream: gel moisturizer and Aqualia Thermal Night Cream: night cream. They are a perfect match for my skin type and give me the much needed hydration that my skin craves (especially in these cold winter months).
Want to order Vichy? Right now they are giving YOU 15% off + Free Shipping! Just use discount code Babble19 at checkout! Offer expires 2/28/19
Wowza! There are a lot of great companies and products listed here. But honestly I don’t know how I would make it through the day without them!
What product are your most excited to try?
Wow. Babbleboxx really does have something for everyone. I love all the stuff in this one for the new moms.
Look at all the good stuff in there. Sounds like a perfect gift for new parents.
I am a little removed from the baby stage of child raising but I have a brother with 4 kids under 5 years old now. Breastfeeding is such a great way to bond and those balms should be a big help.
It sounds like there’s a lot of cute items in here. I would love some of those creams for myself! I think as moms we need to spoil ourselves a little bit more often than we actually do.
All of these sound like they’re going to be very helpful for new parents. The convenience of the Sprout pouches is definitely nice.
Being a mama is rough and it doesn’t seem to get easier as more little ones come along. This box is a great way to ensure that you have the top necessities.
You daughter is so cute! I wish I had some of these products when I was a new mom!!
Babbleboxx sounds heaven sent for moms! I would very much recommend this to new moms, as well as moms with more than one child and just having a baby. Love that organic boob balm!
That looks like a lot of wonderful products for new moms. I wish I would have had some of these when I was a mom for the first time. Many of these would have been great to have.
My third baby gave me a run for my money. I had mastitis in both breast. I could have used some of that Boob Ease
Love Babbleboxx, always such great boxes with awesome products!
These are great products for new moms. Some are even wonderful for those that have already been Moms more than once. Thank you for the great review.
Miss the babies. Always fun and so much gear for baby these days.
I would like to try Vichy Acqualia Thermal. I love Vichy. Thanks for sharing the Vichy discount code!
These are really cool stuff for moms and babies!
I haven’t ever tried this facial cream. I am going to try it. Congratulations on your latest miracle.
I honestly didn’t know about these things. I’m not a mother yet but would love to gift this to my friends who gave birth!
Awesome box! Everything in the box is a must for new moms. Love the nipple cream, super important if you are nursing.
This looks pretty amazing and possibly something that would be a good gift for someone expecting. Nice to try the products