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Fathers Day is in just a few more days! Are you still on the lookout for something great for the kids to make? These Rice Krispies ties are perfect and oh so fun!
Ok so honestly Fathers Day is sneaking up fast. I also have my brothers wedding just 3 days before Fathers Day and all of my focus has been on that here recently. I don’t want my husband to feel like an after thought because he is so much more to me then that…so I need to get on the ball and figure out a way to make his day just as special as he is.
This recipe will yield 6 large Father’s Day Rice Krispies tie bars from a 9×9 pan:
1 cup (2 sticks) butter
Two 10 oz. bags of marshmallows
10 cups Rice Krispies cereal
1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)
3 large white Airheads candies
6 large Airheads candies in various colors
1. Spray a 9×9 pan with a non-stick coating spray and set aside.
2. In a large sauce pan, melt the butter over low heat.
3. Add the marshmallows to the butter, stirring constantly until melted.
4. Remove from heat and stir in the cereal and salt (optional) until well-coated.
5. Transfer the cereal mixture to prepared pan and press down firmly.
6. Cool for 30 minutes and cut into 6 large bars.
7. Take 3 of the white airhead pieces and cut in half lengthwise. These 6 pieces will be used for the 6 shirt collars.
8. Place each white airhead strip at the top of each Rice Krispies bar lengthwise, bringing the ends downward to form a “V” to resemble a shirt collar. Right in the middle of each bar, up at the top, fold it in half so it looks like the back of a shirt collar.
9. To make the ties, take your colored Airheads and with a scissors, cut out the shape of a tie. You will only be able to get one tie out of each piece of candy. Do not discard the leftover pieces- you will need them for the tie knots.
10. Place each tie on top of each bar.
11. With the left over pieces, cut out small diamond shapes that match the color of each tie. Place the tie knots on top of the tie and gently press down.
12. ENJOY!!
*Happy Cooking*