Another Insanity Deal was just posted! $37.39 for a Sony VAIO Laptop (Reg $549.99)! Wahoo! Did you make the purchase?
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From Web Site:
As part of NoMoreRack’s commitment to our users to bring you the best deals on the Internet, we are introducing an exciting new concept called “Insanity Deals.” Insanity Deals give you the opportunity to buy the hottest products on the market today at discounts ranging from 80% to 95%. Items are sold in limited quantities and are randomly added throughout the day. You will need to check back often to see if an Insanity Deal has gone live. You win because you’ll have a chance to get insane steals, and we win because we hope this concept keeps you coming back even more and creates more loyal NMR users. NMR means great deals, and our new Insanity Deals are just our latest way to reward you for being a loyal NMR customer.
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