My Thoughts on IlaDusk

Ilaknows just how scary it can be and they came up with a great way foryou to feel safe and still be able to do the things you want to do!With or without someone else!
Ireceived an ila Dusk for the purpose of this review. I was thrilledwhen it arrived because I knew this would be one review that I woulduse on a daily basis! And I have!

TheIla Dusk is easy to use and has quick and easy access to the alarm ifyou were in a situation where you needed it!

Thisworld is turning into a dangerous place and it seems like the good inthe world is less and less these days! Why not help to protect yourself now with Ila and I pray that you will never need to actuallyuse it!
Idid receive a product for the purpose of this review, However myopinion was used in this review and was not influenced in any way!All thoughts are my own and may vary from others