My Thoughts on TalentiGelato
Imust say that I love reviewing products! I am introduced to so manyof them that I would have never known about otherwise! For example…

Iwas able to try four amazing Talenti Gelato flavors! Sea SaltCaramel, Belgian Milk Chocolate, Caramel Cookie Crunch and TahitianVanilla Bean! Each of them were Wonderful!

BelgianMilk Chocolate- This was my hubby’s favorite out of the Talenti wepurchased! Rich chocolate flavor filled each and every bite! I lovedit as well and it truly had a beautiful chocolate flavor!
CaramelCookie Crunch- Cookie is usually my all time favorite flavor of icecream so of course I had to give this Talenti Gelato flavor a try!There were wonderful cookie pieces in this delightful Gelato as wellas caramel throughout all of it as well! Wonderful!
TahitianVanilla Bean- this came in a close second to be my favorite! It hadthe most wonderful Vanilla Flavor and Vanilla is my most favoriteflavor in anything!
Talentiis 100% Natural and uses the finest ingredients! They are KosherCertified and Gluten Free with the exception of the Caramel CookieCrunch.
Good Luck!
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