ChickenSoup for the Soul
Justfor Preteens

Justfor Preteens is a book written by tweens their age giving your childan edge that will help them better relate to each story! I foundinspiration and knowledge that I wish I would have had through thosedifficult years! There are a lot of changes going on in their littleminds and bodies! Chicken Soup for the Soul can be a powerfulinspiration in a positive way! Let them know they are not alone andthat things really do get better!
Onthe Back
You’regrowing up, your friends are changing, homework is harder, and yourlife has more ups and downs than it used to. This “support group ina book” is just for your. You are not alone and you’ll find out whywhen you read these 101 stories about:
- FeelingGood about yourself
- TrueFriends and new Friends
- EmbarrassingMoments
- Mean Girls…and boys
- Bulliesand Bully Payback
- Crushes
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