Getting To Know Fantasy Designs
Fantasy Designs is at it again! This time she would like to introduce to all of you her New Pandora Pens! Pretty Huh? Here is a little re-cap about Fantasy Designs for you all!
I started beading necklaces like most people my age during the 60’s, to be exact 1967. I lived on Catalina Island then & I made beaded necklaces & a couple of the stores there bought them from me for $2.00 each & then they sold them to their customers.
As far as traveling somewhere I used to want to go to see elephants & gorillas in their real homes but now that I am older I am a bit more realistic & would love to visit Scotland home of some ancestors.
Advice? Not really, I don’t think I can advise anyone unless I meet and talk to them first as everyone is different & therefore everyone needs different advise & or help.
I have slowed down a lot now as far as doing stuff. I used to go to music concerts, Pearl Jam, Rolling Stones, and Metallica. I like the beach & camping. Now though I am with my Granddaughter watching & helping her to grow into the wonderful lady that she will be some day. Beside that I enjoy being with my Collies, in particular my Cloudtreader. He is a white collie champion. I have bred, trained, shown, breathed, & loved collies for 29 years. There is something magical about watching a new litter of collie pups come into the world & then progress into the show ring. I loved the process of putting two collies together & combining genes to create the next champion. It is a form of art too!

Now though I create “tamer” things like jewelry. Sometimes, when I design & create a piece of jewelry I can just feel how “special” it is. I can feel the uniqueness of it. Hard to explain, it’s just so satisfying like I hope that someone else can feel all the exciting vibes that I feel. It will be done & I just can’t stop looking at it, thinking oh this one is “it”! Like my “Queen Of Hearts”, or “Rose Red”, or “Tinuviel”, or My “Rainbow Of Jewels”. I guess my best, all the jewelry in my shop in the section “Here There Be Magic”!
No blog, I think it’s sort of conceited sitting around talking about yourself & expect someone is just waiting to read it. I am certainly not that special. I do have a facebook thing but I have only been there twice, I think. I visit my twitter though every other day or so. I have noticed that I get a lot of people who like to visit my shop through twitter. My twitter address is fantasydesign7. I use it to advertise new pieces of jewelry & I guess people use twitter to see new places because I will get like 5 dozen people all visiting my shop after I advertise a new piece of Jewelry there, I love to show off new Gemstone jewelry pieces to people, it’s just so much fun to introduce beautiful gemstones all bright & twinkly, which is what happens to people’s eyes if a gemstone excites them. I love to be the person who turns people on to new Gemstone creations & watch them get sort of twinkly too, & perhaps a bit breathless. I love being responsible for creating that kind of response from people. A lot for me is not the money but the “turn on” to people, making them happy. Gemstones do that.
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