My Thoughts on Calabasas Candy Co.
I was sent a variety of caramels to try! I could not wait to get my hands on the caramel and checked the mail every day in anticipation of its arrival!
Lavander Caramel– This was the first one that I tried. Why? Because it was the most unusual and the one that I thought I might not like so I wanted to work my way up to what I thought was going to be the best. I must admit that the Lavender tasted nothing like what I thought it would. It was sweet and divine! If not for the color and slight scent I would have never known it was lavender. I could only taste a hint of it and really enjoyed it! It was simply wonderful!
Strawberry Caramel- I have never before seen or tried strawberry flavored caramel! I simply don’t know why more companies don’t make it as it was a wonderful mix of flavors! I could smell and taste the caramel right away and loved the creamy texture! I could eat Calabasas Strawberry Caramel all day long!! Yummy!
Coffee Caramel- I am a huge fan of coffee flavored anything. I don’t know why but I like the flavor of coffee..not when I drink it but in cake and candy it’s wonderful! Crazy right? Well the Coffee and Caramel went hand in hand just as I knew it would! Yet another positively perfect buttery coffee flavor!
What a true pleasure it was to eat Calabasas Caramels! Each piece was double the size of a typical caramel and the softness was unbelievable! Chewy, Gooey, PERFECT!
Don’t like Caramel? That’s okay as well! Calabasas Candy Co. has SO many different candy options available!
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