MyThoughts on Addie Slaughter
By:Susan L. Krueger, ED.D. With Dr. Reba Wells Grandrud

I was excited to read AddieSlaughter. My daughter has been into history type books recently andI knew that this one would be right up her ally! Plus Addie Slaughteris not a commonly known figure in history so this was something thatI wanted to touch on with her since we have family in our backgroundwho are famous around my state! We are related to Ann and JosieBassett. Those names probably do not ring a bell to many of you butthat is okay as well!
I found Addie Slaughter tobe a very well written book. My daughter understood it completely andshe enjoyed learning about the wonderful adventures Addie had in herlife. So many factors that each added up in making her a strong andknowledgeable individual! I also like that this book was written verypositive. With so many books being written about the family Imentioned above I know what it can be like to have negative (anduntrue) things written about people you love. The Authors did reallywonderful with this book and wrote it from a perspective that youngadults and children can understand and relate with!
Descriptionfrom Website!
Indian attacks, outlaws,rattlesnakes, smallpox and blizzards are a few of the true-to-lifedangers experienced by Addie Slaughter, daughter of the famous JohnHorton Slaughter, a Texas Ranger, famed Cochise County Sheriff and anearly settler of the San Bernardino Valley in the late 1800s.Infirst-person narrative, author Susan Krueger, Ed.D., expertly speaksfor Addie, who tells her adventurous, sometimes heartbreaking, storyof traveling across the wild west from Texas to Arizona to Oregon,and then eventually settling on the Slaughter Ranch near theArizona-Mexico border.
Along the way, Addie’s mother dies;her family narrowly escapes a stagecoach robbery; her grandfather isrescued when their adobe ranch buildings collapse in a terribleearthquake; when pursuing a member of the Jack Taylor Gang, herfather’s earlobe is shot off; and Addie meets the powerful warrior,Geronimo.
Based on actual stories told to Adeline GreeneParks by her mother, Addie Slaughter, and in-depth interviews withArizona Culturekeeper Dr. Reba Wells Grandrud, the John H. Slaughterranch historian, Addie Slaughter: The Girl Who Met Geronimo,succeeds in capturing the interest and imagination of young readersdue to its youthful voice, colorful descriptions and exciting recountof actual events. most of the book’s photographs come from Slaughterfamily albums and the collection of Dr. Grandrud.
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Idid receive a product for the purpose of this review Thanks to Mamabuzz, However myopinion was used in this review and was not influenced in any way!All thoughts are my own and may vary from others.