MyThoughts on Melissa and Doug
PuppetTime Theater

RecentlyI was able to review the Melissa and Doug Puppet Time Theater! Thisis the most amazingly creative product of theirs that I have ever hadthe privilege of owning!
Assoon as I took the Melissa and Doug Puppet Time Theater out of thebox and started to put it together I realized the high quality. Thisis put together very nicely and I am not worried about the youngerkids pulling and breaking anything on this neat little theater!
Ialso loved the fun features that Melissa and Doug so thoughtfullyadded to their Puppet Time Theater! From the red curtain with its redtie backs to the ‘Next Show’ clock with movable hands that they areable to set to their next show time! There is even a chalk board atthe bottom of the Theater where the kids love to write the name oftheir show!
Melissaand Doug sell so many fun and creative toys for kids! Each toy ismade at the highest of quality and will provide your children withhours of fun play! Toys such as Food Play, Arts and Crafts, ClassicToys, Easels, and Blocks! So much to choose from!! Love it! Melissaand Doug also has a large array of outdoor equipment as well as funlittle Trunki’s that the children can purchase for their summervacation and they can have a blast decorating themselves! How fun!
Youmay visit HERE to make a purchase!
ONElucky US readers will win a Melissa and Doug Puppet Time Theater!!
(to be eligible to win you must not have won a Melissa and Doug Giveaway in the past 12 months!)
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Contestwill close on June 28th 11:59 a.m. MST and a winner will be chosenvia and notified via e-mail. Winner will have 72 hours torespond to e-mail before I choose another winner! Giveaway is open USonly!
Idid receive a product for the purpose of this review, However myopinion was used in this review and was not influenced in any way!All thoughts are my own and may vary from others. I do not handle themailing out of giveaway prizes and will not be held responsible forany mishaps that may occur to such items