MyThoughts on Dr. Sears Zone Diet
Youall know that recently I have been on the path to weight loss. Lastmonth I was able to review a two week supply of Zone Diet! Which ofcourse was thrilling because I have been looking for something tohelp me with my eating habits and I knew that the Zone Diet wouldhelp me with that!
TheZone Diet was so thrilling to me because I love bread and pasta. Whensomeone asks me what I would like to eat they find it surprising thatI would chose bread and pasta over anything sweet. With the Zone DietI was able to eat bread and/or pasta with every single meal!

Withthe Zone Diet you are able to pick the meals you want to eat basedout of the recipe book provided. Choices like Fusilli with White ClamSauce, Margherita Pizza, Chicken Cheddar Melt, Cinnamon Bun Delight,Greek Orzo Salad, and Shrimp Scampi with Green Onions and Orzo! Nowdon’t those sound delicious??
Theonly thing I found with the Zone Diet that might not be ideal forsome is the time it took to prepare the meals. Now I LOVE to cook soit was not that big of a deal to me and I actually enjoyed taking thetime, especially since I was able to use SO many fresh veggies andsuch with each meal. But, I know that for some it might seem like alot of work to do when you are only cooking for yourself.

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Or call 1-800-404-8171
Idid receive a product for the purpose of this review, However myopinion was used in this review and was not influenced in any way!All thoughts are my own and may vary from others