Fairer Than Morning
by:Rosslyn Elliott
OnThe Back

Ann travels to Pittsburgh,accompanying her father on business. There she meets Will Hanby, asaddle-maker’s apprentice. Will has spent years eking out anexistence under a cruel master and his spirit is nearly broken. ButAnn’s compassion lights a long-dark part of his soul. Through hisencounters with Ann’s father, a master saddler, Will discovers newhope and courage in the midst of tremendous adversity.
When the Millers must return to Ohioand their ministry there, Will resolves to find them, at any cost IfWill can make it back to Ann, will she be waiting?
You all know justhow much I love Historical Fiction Books! I just can’t get enough ofthem! Fairer Than Morning was no exception!
After the firstpage I was already hooked on the story of Ann. I myself have beenyoung and in love. Ann just after a few pages had things in her lifetake a turn that was unexpected. I myself have been in that situationwhere things don’t happen like I want. But, after time goes on yourealize that it is because God has a different plan for you. That isexactly what happened to Ann!
In the story Annhas her life planned out. Well she thinks that her life is plannedout but then things take an unexpected turn when her family has to goto Ohio. While there she meets a man named Will. A man whom hasbasically sold his life away to a man that is much worse than couldbe imagined. Will is a depleted man who has been dealt a difficulthand in life. From his family dying of sickness to an apprenticeshipthat is less than ideal. There seem to be no good in site when itcomes to the life of Will Hanby. That is until the day he meets Ann!
I love storiesthat can take me away on a journey. That is exactly what happenswhile reading Fairer Than Morning!
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Idid receive a product for the purpose of this review, However myopinion was used in this review and was not influenced in any way!All thoughts are my own and may vary from others.