MyThoughts on Cystex
NowI myself have never suffered from a UTI but there are many women inmy life that do. On a daily basis these women go through the pain ofa UTI! Not fun! During the last review I had a friend try it out andso this time I decided to give it to my cousin whom suffers fromUTI’s constantly. With Cystex all you have to do is take iteach morning to help alleviate UTI’s. My cousin has now had theCystex for about two weeks and here is what she had to say.

TheCystex tasted very good which is something that was expectedconsidering the overall amount of cranberries that it contains. SinceI love cranberries I knew this would be amazing! But, even better theCystex really seemed to work. After just 3 days my severe UTI hadvanished! I have now taken the Cystex each and every morning to helpprevent from having another and thus far I have not. That is unusualfor me since I most usually have them all of the time! I really likethe Cystex brand and have found that the store that I currently workat carries it! I will be purchasing this from here on out!”
Asyou can read the Cystex has worked very well for my cousin. This isthe second lady that I have had review this for me and both have feltthe same way about the Cystex brand! It really works ladies!
Youmay visit HERE to make a purchase!
ONEof my lucky US readers will win a bottle of Cystex!!
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Contestwill close on May 13that 11:59 a.m. MST and a winner will be chosen via andnotified via e-mail. Winner will have 72 hours to respond to e-mailbefore I choose another winner! Giveaway is open to U.S.Only!
Idid receive a product for the purpose of this review, However myopinion was used in this review and was not influenced in any way!All thoughts are my own and may vary from others. I do not handle themailing out of giveaway prizes and will not be held responsible forany mishaps that may occur to such items