MyThoughts on Pre-fense

Pre-fensemakes and sales non-alcohol hand sanitizer! I love that I can carryPre-fense with me wherever I go! It is in my car, purse, bathroom,kitchen, and I also carry it in the diaper bags of each of the daycare kids. With Pre-fense I know that the bacteria on each littlegrimy hand will be clean before they eat a meal! Each time we weredown town the kids know that I would want them to sanitize theirhands as soon as we got home. We also would sanitize if we were at arestaurant or as soon as we are done playing in any play place orpark. With Pre-fense I don’t have to worry as it is only needed onceper day and will last a full 24 hours! That’s amazing compared toother brands! This has helped to keep the germs down and created muchless sickness in my home! In fact (knock on wood) my daughter has notmissed any days of school from being sick this entire year!

Otherfeatures I like about Pre-fense are that it will not dry out yourhands, It will protect you for 24hours, Pre-fense protectsagainst Staph, Strep, MRSA, E-Coli, etc…,You only need to usePre-fense once per day!
Youmay visit HERE to make a purchase!
ONEof my lucky US readers will win some Pre-fense of their own!
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Contestwill close on May 10that 11:59 a.m. MST and a winner will be chosen via andnotified via e-mail. Winner will have 72 hours to respond to e-mailbefore I choose another winner! Giveaway is open to U.S.Only!
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