MyThoughts on Wacky Jacqui Design
Asmany of you have noticed I received a new blog design a few weeksago! At first I did not know what to expect as I just picked out adigital scrapbook kit and that was it! I had no clue what Jacqui wasgoing to do with it from there.

Afew days after my header was completed Jacqui was ready to completethe rest of my design. We worked out the details of the titles andsuch that I wanted as well as the icons for the media outlets and wewere good to go! It took her one night of adding the pictures andsuch to my blog and with in just a few hours it was looking perfect!
Iam amazed at everything Jacqui can do to a blog. Before I felt likeeverything was cluttered together and was not easy to read. I alsochanged by background style every month or so because I was not ableto find something I liked. Now I will not have that issue aseverything is set and perfect! Jacqui was able to number my comments,create a signature, add post breaks, and so many more cool featuresthat I was not even expecting!
Okaynow that we have distinguished that Jacqui’s work is awesome letstalk about price! Truth is I have looked around the internet! Formonths I looked around at different blog designers and their style. Ihad a thought out style in my mind but I did not want to pay afortune! With Jacqui you won’t have to! You can get a design set upmuch like mine for just $50.00! Now that’s a bargain!
Anotherfeature that I love about Wacky Jacqui is she offers pre-madetemplates and designs! This will only cost you $20.00 to havecustomized and installed!
Jacquiis so easy to work with! She will listen to your ideas and make youwhatever you want! She really knows how to go above and beyond toplease her customers! I am very impressed with the work that was doneon my blog and I know that with her changes it will allow me to do somuch more than I was doing before! Remember sometimes you might haveto spend a little money to make a little money and for a blogger likeme I could not make as much with a cluttered up blog!
Youmay visit HERE to make a purchase
ONEof my lucky WORLDWIDE readers will win a customized blog makeover!
Pleasemake sure to leave your e-mail address and leave a separate commentfor each entry
MandatoryEntry……..Visit and tell me a theme/style youwould like for your blog?
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IWILL verify each entry! All entries that are not verifiable will bedeleted!
Contestwill close on April 30th at 11:59 a.m. MST and a winner will bechosen via and notified via e-mail. Winner will have 72hours to respond to e-mail before I choose another winner! Giveawayis open Worldwide!
Idid receive a product for the purpose of this review, However myopinion was used in this review and was not influenced in any way!All thoughts are my own and may vary from others. I do not handle themailing out of giveaway prizes and will not be held responsible forany mishaps that may occur to such items