I am fromElko Nevada. I have lived here for going on 4 years. I was born andraised in Colorado. I have married for going on three years. We haveone child, Raleigh, he is 18 months old! I stay pretty busy runningafter him and my husband! We try to stay pretty active in theranching/horse lifestyle. When Im not busy keeping up with my twoboys…I am busy with my lil business, Buckaroo Boutique!

I carry fun blingyitems such as; purses, blingy flip flops, blingy hats, blingy belts,jewelry, clothing, flat wallets, and whatever else I come across thatI like!
It was a combination of twodifferent names my friend and I came up with!

Wellbasically what I do with my items is purse parties! People host theparties and I bring all the goodies to their home or where ever theywant to have it!
Where canyour items be purchased?
Items can be seen onfacebook, Buckaroo Boutique. I try to post most the items I get instock on facebook, but alot of times I can’t get it all on there. SoI do custom ordering as well!
WellI am always asking my “fans” on facebook for opinions onthings. I try to get all the new styles!
Man, besides all the funpurses, I would have to say my favorite thing is the flip flops! Notonly are they stinkin cute and fun, but they are SO comfy! Wore themwhen I was pregnant alot and man they were great! Well worth it!
Just that Buckaroo Boutique wasdesigned for at home purse parties and there are some great hostessrewards! But as I said before, I sell things by order too! I try toget stuff that suits everyone, but if there’s anything anyone everwants, I sure try to find it for them, just have to ask!
I love the black angel wing shirt posted on your homepage. Is this a shirt you have for sale? If so, how do I go about ordering one?
Thank you!