A Little Back Ground
Newman’s OwnOrganics started as a division of Newman’s Own in 1993 by Nell Newman and PeterMeehan. But the demand was much more than anticipated and Newman’s Own Organicsbecame its own company a few years later. Which was to be expected as PaulNewman is the Father of Nell Newman and she knew that for anything to beassociated with her Father it had better be good!
“Great tasting productsthat happen to be organic.” Is the slogan for Newman’s Own Organicsand boy does it fit the company to a T!
My Thoughts
I was amazed atall of the products sent to me for review. I never knew there were so manyoptions when it came to Organic Food! Especially from a name that I know andtrust! So what options are they? Well…Pretzels, chocolate bars, Fig Newman’s,Champion Chip Cookies, Chocolate Cups, Newman O’s Cookies, Pop’s Corn, AlphabetCookies, Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar, Dried Fruit, Soy Crisps, Hermits, Mints,Coffee, Royal Tea, Dog Treats….and that still only names a few!
When the boxarrived at my door my family and I tore into some of our favorites. Fig Newman’s,Licorice Sticks, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Rice Cakes, and even Ranch Flavoredtreats for our four legged friend!!
I wish that I hadenough space to tell you about each individual product. I don’t like to make myreviews too long because I want everyone to take the time to read them soplease listen to what I say “Newman’s Own Organics is high quality food.” Iknow now that Newman’s Own Organics will be a huge part of my life. Neverbefore did I know that they sold the product just down the street at my localHealth Food Store!
Next time you areout making a purchase of your favorite foods why not look into a product thatmakes the same great taste and quality but a whole lot healthier! Newman’s OwnOrganics is really the way to go!
Buy It!
You may visit HERE to find a store near you!
Win It!
ONE of my lucky USreaders will win their choice of 4 Newman’s Items (excluding coffee)!!!!
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Contest will close on April 25th at 11:59 a.m. MST and awinner will be chosen via Random.org and notified via e-mail. Winner will have72 hours to respond to e-mail before I choose another winner! Giveaway is open toU.S. only!
I did receive a product for the purpose of this review, However myopinion was used in this review and was not influenced in any way! All thoughtsare my own and may vary from others. I do not handle the mailing out ofgiveaway prizes and will not be held responsible for any mishaps that may occurto such
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