Anotherfeature that I love about the Saky Sack is that I can use it forANYTHING! For example I like to go shopping with my Mom! EveryWednesday while the kids are at school we try to do somethingtogether. Well at times I will need to fit a lot into my purse and mypurse is not quiet big enough. So what do I do? I pull out anattractive Saky Sack and place all of my ‘need to take’ items in theSaky Sack! It is still stunning and as attractive as any purse I’veever owned but it will allow me to hold much more than my standardpurse! Then if I take stuff out and need less room I can fold it upand put it inside my everyday purse that I place inside the Saky Sackwhile I need too!
Okayso I might not have worded that last paragraph the best that I couldand I hope that you all get the point because Saky Sacks are SO cool!Having a beautiful bag at my disposal at all times is so handy! Plusif you ever decide you no longer want your Saky Sack you can recycleit! Now let me see you do that with your other re-usable bags? SakySacks can be recycled in the same place that you put yournon-reusable plastic bags!
Ilove my Saky Sack! I know that you will as well!
Youmay visit HERE to purchase your Saky Sack
ONEof my Lucky U.S. Readers will win their own Saky Sack in your City Saky choiceof print!
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Contestwill close on April 20th at 11:59 a.m. MST and a winner will be chosenvia Random.org and notified via e-mail. Giveaway is open to US only!
Idid receive a product for the purpose of this review, However myopinion was used in this review and was not influenced in any way!All thoughts are my own and may vary from others. I do not handle themailing out of giveaway prizes and will not be held responsible forany mishaps that may occur to such items.