Easter is just around the corner and this year my daughter will be ableto dress the part in her new Girls Deluxe Virgin Mary Costume. I love the easeand simplicity of this costume and was thrilled at how well it fit my daughter.She finds it very comfortable and has worn it almost every day since itsarrival! The costume is two pieces; the dress is attached to the cape and thesecond piece is the headpiece. Whole Sale Costume Club has many girls costumes, and girls biblical costumes. Some of which include DisneyPrincesses, and Historical Costumes! My daughter has had the chance to wearmany different costumes that are found at Whole Sale Costume Club and I havenever been disappointed! She loves to play dress up so this is just a nice andcheap way for her to play and imagine a world all her own!
I did receive a product for the purpose of thisreview, However my opinion was used in this review and was not influenced inany way! All thoughts are my own and may vary from others.