My Thoughts on Lady in Waiting
By Susan Meissner

When I first started to read Lady in Waiting it did not expect it tohave a historical twist to it. I was reading about a lady whose husband just upand left her. No signs or clues were given that he was about to leave, he justup and left one day. What a horrible situation in life to live through. Ienjoyed reading about Jane and the feelings that she was dealing with duringthis hard, emotional time. But then the story took a twist! It went back intime to yet another Jane. The story is centered around a ring that was given toLady Jane in the Medieval times. It later finds itself on the hand of thecurrent Jane and helps her get through some really tough times. I was veryimpressed with how well the Author played out both stories. Sometimes it iseasy to get lost in books such as this but the Author really had a knack forbreaking up two stories in just the right places.
I was captivated by this book. It is defiantly one of the best books Ihave ever read. There were no dullmoments and the book did not drag. In fact it raced by and I was left wantingmore (in a good way)! I have enjoyed the writing style of Susan Meissner! Iknow that she is also the Author of The Shape of Mercy and I will be on the lookoutfor that book the next time I am book shopping! I can’t wait to read what elseshe has to offer!
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I did receive a product for the purpose of thisreview from Book Blogs, However my opinion was used in this review and was not influenced inany way! All thoughts are my own and may vary from others.