My Thoughts on World Vision Gift Catalog
This season as I am making my holiday purchases I am trying to keep in mind those that are not as fortunate as I. The World Vision Gift Catalog allows you to make a Christmas gift purchase for someone in need. You can make purchases to help aid in clean water for Haitians or others in need around the world. You can make purchases for others such as Animals or seeds to help feed their families. Or something as simple as a Basket ball or Soccer ball so they may be able to play. Or how about a donation to purchase a child a Bible or warm wool for clothes and blankets. Anything you can imagine can be purchased at the World Vision Gift Catalog! I encourage you all to check it out and donate today. Let us work together to help those in need!
Buy It!
Go HERE to purchase items to help others from the World Vision Gift Catalog!
I was not provided with anything for this post. All thougths are my own and may vary from others. Thank yo uto World Vision for allowing me to learn of your wonderful Catalog!