My Thoughts on Power Thoughts
By Joyce Meyer
Today I had to put my dog Jersey to sleep. She has been a family pet since I was in high school and it was very hard on me. When I got home I decided to take a nice hot bath and read the next book on my list to review. That book just happened to be Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer. I opened the book and before I knew it I was half way through. Joyce Meyer writes about how our minds are our biggest supporter. The more positive we think the more positive our lives will be. Good things can happen to those that are positive and you will have better health as well. I love the tips that Joyce talked about in her book. It just seemed to be the words I needed to hear at that time. Joyce Meyer is New York Times #1 Selling Author. In the book Power Thought Joyce will walk you through 12 strategies to win the battle with your mind. I give this book a 3 star rating. It was a good read!
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I was sent a product for purpose of my review! All thoughts are my own and may vary from others.