My Thoughts on Without A Word
By Jill Kelly
I love reading biographies about celebrities because it just makes me realize that they really are people with everyday issues just like you and me. Without A Word by Jill Kelly was a very uplifting book. Every parent hopes and wishes for a healthy child. Some are fortunate with healthy children and others are not but no matter what situation you are dealt with all that matters in the long run is what you do with it. Jill Kelly goes through everything in this book from the beginning of her and Jim’s relationship to the marriage starting to fail and the trying times of having a sick child. I also love that no matter what Jim and Jill found the positive and was held together by the love they felt for their children. Without A Word is about how a boy’s unspoken life changed everything. It focuses on the life of Hall of Fame Quarterback Jim Kelly and his wife Jill’s son Hunter who was born with a disease that crushed his parent’s dreams of a child who would follow in his Daddies footsteps. Little did they know that Hunter was exactly what they needed in their lives. I know that I have not been through half the trials in my life that Jim and Jill went through. But then again I am still young and I am glad to know that there are many people out there that work together and make the best out of life no matter what. I love to know that no matter what life hands me. I will have the strength to get through it!
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I was sent a product for purpose of my review All thoughts are my own and may vary from others