Let me start out by saying, when I read books it is usually in my car while I am waiting to pick up my daughter from school. This book The Body Shop had such an embarrassing cover that I had to take it off to feel comfortable reading it. I know that sounds silly but I am such a shy person and I thought , “What are these other mothers going to think of me when they see a topless muscle man on the cover of this book”. Especially because the book was not even close to being about what they probably thought it was about.
The Body Shop is about a boy ( the author) who is starting out the adventure of life. For the first time he is on his own to make decisions and fend for himself. As a college kid he does not want to be the picked on geeky guy so he starts to work out, pumping iron at the gym. He quickly realizes that his newly acquired muscles will get him much more in life than he had ever had before.
This book was a neat book some parts were very funny and other parts I could have done without. But all in all it was a good read. I guess had I lived in the 70’s or 80’s than maybe I could have related more to some of the story. I guess you can’t rewrite life and this is an autobiography so I am glad that the author told all!
Contest will close on September 8th at 11:59 p.m. MST and the winner will be chosen via Random.org and notified via e-mail. Giveaway is open to U.S. and Canada!
I was provided with a copy of The Body Shop for purpose of my review. All thoughts expressed are my own and may vary from others. I do not handle the mailing out of giveaway prizes and will not be held responsible for any mishaps that may occur to such items.