When I was in high school it was easy for me to stay up to date on all the makeup trends. I was the girl that everyone went to if they wanted to learn a new makeup technique. Now that I am no longer in high school I have had a hard time trying to keep up to date with all of the “IN” trends. That is why I was so happy to review Cover Girls Smokey Shadowblast Eye shadow. Covergirl has made it easy for everyday people like you and me to apply a shadowy eye without a professional! Shadowblast is easy to use and comes in lots of different shades for my many, many, moods!
You can check out this video to witness firsthand how easy shadowblast is to use!
Thank you to BzzAgent for leading me to this campaign! You too can be a bzzagent! Check it out! You’ll love it!
I received this product in return for my honest opinion! This is my true feelings! Please investigate the product as your thoughts may differ from mine! Thanks!