One of the last books I read in 2019 was called 29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life by Cami Walker. This book talked about the importance of focusing on the gifts/services that we are giving. Many of us are natural givers and do so without thinking. I would like to think that I am among those who are natural givers. That Service and gift giving is such a big part of who my Heavenly Father made me to be. But this year I want each passing smile, each brought meal and each act of kindness I give to be given with more thought and focus. My goal is to give one heartfelt gift a day. I am hoping that this will help me be more in tune to those around me and what they may be needing. I hope that I will be in tune with the spirit so that I can be the Lords hands more often this year.
To go alongside my daily gift I want to tie in having more focus on daily blessings. My first book of 2020 is called Whisperings of the Spirit by Nancy Murphy. She talks about the importance of a spiritual journal and how each day we should journal about a blessing/spiritual promoting that happened each day. She encourages journaling about things that touched your heart, teaches you truths, and gives you understanding. I have tried more and more over the years to add these things to my journaling but I have never taken the time to find a bleassing/spiritual moment each day. I am hoping that doing this will help me be more in tune with the Holy Ghost and help me to really listen to each prompting and to help me focus on being more positive during whatever trials may lay ahead.
Heres to 2020! May it be beautiful. ❤