MyThoughts on Little Kids
Thissummer the kids and I have been having a blast! That is with LittleKids Bubble Toys! Bubbles seem to bring out the kid in everyone andthere is nothing more magical to a child to see the magic bubbles andrun around trying to be the first to pop them!
RecentlyI was able to review many fun Bubble toys from Little Kids and wejust can’t get enough!

BlastosBubbles Premium Solution- It was so nice to have Bubble Solutionarrive in the box with all of the bubble toys! The bubbles workedwonderfully and all I had to do was pour them into the bucket or oneof the bubble guns! Nice and simple! Little Kids has really thoughtof everything!
LittleKids have so many fun toys for children and can be purchased in manyof their favorite characters! Dora, Diego, SpongeBob, ni hao kai-lan,The Backyardigans as well as Jelly Belly scented Bubbles, Junk Ball,Press Dough, and Crunch Art!
Youmay visit HERE to make a purchase!
ONElucky US readers will win a Blastos Bubble Gun!
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MandatoryEntry……..VisitLittle Kids and tell me another item you would love to own?
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Contestwill close on July 9th 11:59 a.m. MST and a winner will be chosen and notified via e-mail. Winner will have 72 hours torespond to e-mail before I choose another winner! Giveaway is open USonly!
Idid receive a product for the purpose of this review, However myopinion was used in this review and was not influenced in any way!All thoughts are my own and may vary from others. I do not handle themailing out of giveaway prizes and will not be held responsible forany mishaps that may occur to such items